2nd International Specialized Exhibition
InterAgroBusiness 2010

September 23 - 25 in Odessa, Ukraine


Agriculture News from Ukraine


Bioanbau - eine Chance für die Zukunft
Der ökologische Landbau steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Organic Federation of Ukraine treibt die Entwicklung voran
Die weltweite Bedeutung des ökologischen Landbaus steigt und macht sich insbesondere durch schnelles Wachstum in Europa bemerkbar. Während in Osteuropa die Entwicklung des ökologischen Anbaus noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt, beträgt der Anteil des
europäischen Ökomarktes knapp die Hälfte des gesamten Ökomarkts weltweit. Durch die Osterweiterung wurde die Öko-Anbaufläche der EU deutlich erweitert, und viele der EU-Beitrittsländer exportieren über 90 Prozent ihrer Bioprodukte nach Westeuropa.
06.2010 Source: Ukraine Aktuell

Cabinet will support implementation of investment projects in farm sector
The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers will in every way support the implementation of large-scale investment projects, in particular, a project by Nibulon to restore the network of river grain terminals and construct facilities for handling grain cargo on the Dnieper River, Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Slauta has said during his working visit to Poltava region. The investment project envisages the construction of 57 non-propelled and self-propelled vessels, including 14 sea and river tugs, 17 elevators, including 10 river terminals along the Dnieper, the Southern Bug and other rivers. 24 non-propelled vessels and 3 tugboats, 2 elevators in Poltava region and 2 river terminals in Cherkasy and Zaporizhzhia regions have already been built and are successfully operating.
29.06.2010 Source:Ukrinform

Ukrainian government issues almost UAH 3 billion to cheapen credits for agrarians
The Cabinet allocated from the state budget's stabilization fund UAH 2.903 billion to cheapen credits and to finance investment projects in the agroindustrial complex. In particular, UAH 1.012 billion was earmarked to cheapen credits, UAH 1 billion - for partial compensation to agricultural producers of the cost of construction and reconstruction of cattle-breeding farms and facilities. UAH 200 million is designated for setting up wholesale markets of agricultural products, UAH 259 million - for rendering support to plant growing production, UAH 12.063 million - for state support to agricultural servicing enterprises, UAH 71.901 million - for payment of the budgetary cattle-breeding subsidy.
29.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Deputy Premier Slauta: Meat industry a key component of Ukraine's economy
One of the major challenges that the agricultural bloc of the government is currently facing is to provide the domestic market with high-quality meat products of domestic production and ensure its promotion to foreign markets, Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Slauta said during his working visit to Poltava region. During his trip, Slauta visited LLC Hlobyno Meat Factory, where a new line for the slaughter of cattle opened on June 24.
28.06.2010 Source: press service of the Deputy Prime Minister

Agrarian Ministry lowers down grain yield forecast for 2010 to 45 - 45.5 million tonnes
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy lowered down its grain yield forecast for 2010 from 46 - 47 million tonnes to 45 - 45.5 million tonnes. Agrarian Policy Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk added that he does not rule out that by the end of harvesting the forecast may reviewed toward raising, noting that it happens actually every year.
28.06.2010 Ukrinform

Ukraine and Germany to develop East-West grain transportation
Ukraine and Germany will jointly develop cargo transportation in the East-West direction, Deputy Director General of Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railways) Viktor Chorny and Director of Region East at DB Shenker Hans Georg Werner said. Proper agreement was reached at a business forum, entitled "Problems and Prospects of Cargo Transportation," in Kyiv. The sides presented their joint opportunities for the organization of cargo transportation and handling on the border, as well as the organization of transportation in European countries.
27.06.2010 Source: UkrAgroConsult

Ukraine plans to export 21million tonnes of grain
Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Prysiazhniuk predicts that in 2010 Ukraine will sell more than 21 million tonnes of grain. According to him, with ending stock taken into account, it would let sell almost half of the total crop. In general, according to Prysiazhniuk, over 5 months of 2010 Ukraine has exported agricultural products worth USD 3.7 billion, 4% up over the same period in 2009. The country increased exports of meat and meat products by 1.9 times, milk - 1.7, vegetable oil - 1.4, tobacco and its products - by 11%, sugar - 10%. The foreign trade balance is positive and makes USD 1.3 billion.
26.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Milking rooms with British equipment set up in Rivne region
A computer system that controls milking equipment operation and milk supply, as well as a process of milk cooling has been installed at a cattle-breeding farm in the village of Kopytkiv, Rivne region. It started operation in the newly set up room where cows are milked at special boxes with the help of British equipment worth USD 270,000. The equipment identifies fat content in the real time mode, other consumption qualities, fixes bacteriological data and accounts the product. On the whole, the computer shows 19 indexes here. Similar West European technologies are implemented in another three private farms in Rivne region.
25.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine's Agriculture Ministry predicts overproduction of sugar in 2010
Sugar overproduction in Ukraine in 2010 could reach 400,000-500,000 tonnes, according to Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk. The Minister said that it is important that Ukraine receive a chance to export sugar to Russia in November-December 2010. Prysiazhniuk said that Ukraine imported no more than 130,000 tonnes of cane raw sugar of this year quota to import 267,000 tonnes cane raw sugar. He added that enough sugar on the domestic market allowed keeping stable prices of sugar over several past months.
25.06.2010 Source: Interfax

Agrarian Ministry wants to set up State Agrarian Bank, Agrarian Exchange and national grain market operator
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine is elaborating resolutions as regards setting up the State Agrarian Bank, the Agrarian Exchange, as well as the national grain market operator. Agrarian Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk stated that for implementation of strategic goals it is necessary to set up the Agrarian Bank that would represent the whole spectrum of bank services for agrarian producers, the State Land Mortgage Bank for regulation of the processes on the farm land market, the effective Agrarian Exchange for promotion of our products to foreign markets, the national operator on the grain market, as well as a civilized insurance of agrarian risks and support of agricultural producers. The main aim of the project is that it makes the agroindustrial sector attractive for investors.
24.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Output of dairy products 6.2% up in May
Milk production in Ukraine grew by 6.2% in May 2010 compared with April 2010 to 67,700 tonnes. At the same time, milk production declined by 3.8% compared with May 2009. In general, in the first five months of 2010, milk production amounted to 309,200 compared to 307,400 tonnes in the same period in 2009, butter production amounted to 27,200 tonnes (+5.4%), the output of dairy products amounted to 195,200 tonnes (-5%).
22.06.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Vegetables market makes up USD 8 billion
The vegetables market volume makes up USD 8 billion, Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Yevhen Lavrov told the forum Investments into Agrarian Sector of Ukraine - Development of Wholesale Markets of Agricultural Products. The volume of potato market for today makes up USD 3 billion, the fruits and berries market - also USD 3 billion, grapes - USD 0.5 billion. According to him, one of main problems of the national fruit and vegetable market is absence of civilized markets. Lavrov also informed that on the first stage of the state program on setting up wholesale agricultural markets it is planned to build five to nine such objects.
22.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

France's AgroGeneration buys Ukraine's Vinal with 25,000 hectares
Paris-based AgroGeneration, the core business of which is grain and sunflower seed production in Ukraine, has bought a stake of over 70% of the Ukrainian Vinal farming company, which has three farms cultivating over 25,000 hectares of land in western Ukraine. A report issued on Monday by AgroGeneration on the NYSE Euronext market says that in 2009, Vinal produced 83,000 tonnes of grain worth EUR 9.7 million. The French company said that with the new acquisition its landholdings now exceed 45,000 hectares.
22.06.2010 Interfax

Cattle Population 0.8% Up To 5.6 Million Heads In May
Pig Population 2.8% Up To 8.2 Million Heads In May
Poultry Population Up By 11.3% To 206 Million Heads In May
Meat Production 25.1% Down To 193,000 Tons In May
Milk Production 24.5% Up To 1.2 Million Tons In May
Egg Production 5.3% Up To 1.7 Billion In May
21.06.2010 Source: Ukrainian News

Agrarian Ministry plans construction of 5 - 9 wholesale markets
On the first stage of the state program for setting up wholesale agricultural markets construction of 5 - 9 such objects is planned, Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Yevhen Lavrov said. According to the official, their cost will exceed EUR 500 million. Recoupment of those projects will make up 7 -8 years. "The first stage has already started, there is a real project implemented in Lviv, next will be in Odessa," the Deputy Minister said.
17.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

EBRD, Nibulon sign credit agreement worth USD 50million
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and LLC Nibulon, one of the largest producers and exporters of grain crops in Ukraine, signed a credit agreement worth USD 50 million to finance an investment project on renewal of grain market infrastructure in the Dnieper basin. A credit agreement provides for financing of expenses for construction of five grain elevators and river terminals in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia regions of total storage volume amounting to 300,000 tons, 12 self-propelled ships and 6 tugboats. It is specified that total cost of the investment program is USD 470 million. For the first time in Ukraine setting up of the agrarian company's own fleet has been considered that will include 57 non-propelled and self-propelled vessels, 14 sea and river tugboats, 17 elevators, 10 of them are river terminals along the Dnieper, the South Buh and other rivers. LLC Nibulon (city of Mykolayiv) was set up in 1991 and is one of the largest operators on the country's grain market. The enterprise has 36 branches in 11 regions of the country and cultivates over 70,000 ha of lands.
17.06.2010 Source: Nibulon press release

Seed association set up in Ukraine
Ukraine's leading seed companies have set up the Seed Association of Ukraine in order to make the seed market transparent and effective. This will help protect intellectual property rights in the sphere of plant selection and improve Ukraine's image on the international market as a reliable partner for investment and business in the field of seed growing. According to experts, only the improvement of seed quality can increase the crop yield up to 30%. Growing demand for agricultural products opens significant prospects for Ukraine's agricultural sector under condition of the use of high-quality seeds of modern varieties and hybrids.
17.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukrainian agroindustrial complex needs investments amounting to about USD 150 billion
Ukrainian agroindustrial complex needs investments amounting to about USD 150 billion, Agrarian Policy Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk told the international forum dedicated to investments in the agroindustrial complex. "Investors, both domestic and foreign, show interest in the agroindustrial complex," the Minister noted. According to him, if to observe all the technologies and apply further innovations, the Ukrainian agrarian sector can be highly profitable.
16.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Slauta: Farm sector should get at least USD 6 billion as loans each year
Ukraine's agro-industrial sector should receive at least USD 6 billion as loans every year, Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Slauta said at a forum on investment in the country's agricultural sector. "I should say that at least USD 40 billion is required for the implementation of a comprehensive program on supporting the development of the farm sector in order to ensure the sustainable development of the farm sector in the next decades," he said. Slauta noted that the investment capacity of Ukraine's agricultural sector was rather significant. He also said that the attraction of investments in the sector was a crucial factor in developing the country's agricultural sector and ensuring food security.
16.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Korean Agrarian Education Center to open in Kherson region
The Korean Agrarian Education Center, whose construction is financed by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Ukraine, will start work in Kherson region (southern Ukraine), Embassy Officer Viktor Tsoy has announced. The Centre includes heated greenhouses, as well as educational and living rooms for students who will study the theory and practice of modern agricultural technologies.
16.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Cattle numbers in Ukraine fall in five months
The number of horned cattle in Ukraine declined by 3.2% in the first five months of 2010 YoY, incl. a 4% decrease in cow numbers, whereas pig numbers rose by 14.2%, sheep and goat numbers by 5.4%, and poultry numbers by 5.1%. As of June 1, 2010, private farms had 69.6% of the total number of horned cattle (68.9% as of June 1, 2009), including cows - 78.1% (78.3%), pigs - 56.9% (57.9%), sheep and goats - 83.8% (82.8%), and poultry - 51.9% ( 52.1%). In agricultural enterprises, the total volume of cattle and poultry breeding exceeded the level of January-May 2009 by 14.1%, including pigs by 23.6%, poultry by 16.3%, but cattle breeding declined by 10.5%.
16.06.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Zoning of crops should be revised in Ukraine due to climate change - weather center
In Ukraine, zoning of crops should be revised as a result of the climate change, Head of the Hydrometeorological Center Mykola Kulbida has said. According to him, the Hydrometeorological Center on the order from the Agrarian Policy Ministry carries out studies on this problem that will complete in 2012, however, now some results are known. Kulbida informed, that only by a change of zoning for grain crops it is possible to reach an increase of the yield from 20% to 40% without additional financial expenditures. The same concerns such grain crops as barley and corn. In addition, he added that as a result of a rise in temperature, it is necessary to increase the irrigation areas. Kulbida added that for improvement of the yield it is necessary to irrigate the fields on almost the whole territory of Ukraine, except for western and a part of northern regions.
15.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

88% of winter crops in good, satisfactory condition
Winter crops in Ukraine as of June 10 were in good condition at the area of almost 3.7 million hectares, accounting for 46.9% of sowing areas. As many as 3.27 million ha were in satisfactory condition, or 41.4%, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported. Winter cereals died on 674,500 ha, which represents 7.9% of farmlands. In addition, weak and sparse winter crops are at 911,600 ha (11.6%). Winter wheat was in good condition at nearly 2.93 million ha - 47.9% of the area, in satisfactory - 2.45 million ha (40.1%), weak and sparse - at 732,200 ha (12 %). Condition of barley at 621,100 ha (42.4% of the area) is good, and at 690,000 ha (47.1%) - satisfactory. At the same time, in good condition there were 39.2% of winter rape (344 ha), in satisfactory - 45.4% (399 ha), weak and sparse - 15.4% (135,200 ha). Winter rape died at the area of 539,700 ha or 38.1% of sowing areas.
15.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine makes record volume of sunflower oil
In the first nine months of the current marketing year the production volume of sunflower oil increased by 20% YoY up to 2.3 million tonnes. By the end of the year, it could reach 2.9 million tonnes - the highest figure in the history of Ukrainian oil and fat industry. This was made possible thanks to a record harvest of sunflower seeds - 7 million tonnes this year against 6.52 million tonnes last year. In 2009/10 marketing year the volume of oil production grew by 35% YoY to 2.16 million tonnes.
14.06.2010 Source: Association Ukrmasloprom

Milk production 3% down in five months
The production of milk in Ukraine in January-May 2010 declined by 2.9% YoY to 4.245 million tonnes. At the same time, milk production in May 2010 compared to April 2010 grew by almost 25% to 1.239 million tonnes. According to the Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry, as of June 4, the purchase price for first-class milk from agricultural enterprises totaled UAH 2,704 per tonne, second-class milk UAH 2,426 per tonne, and second-class milk from private farms UAH 1,703 per tonne.
14.06.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Ukraine decreased exports of mineral fertilizers by 2.8%
During January-April period of 2010, exports of mineral fertilizers from Ukraine decreased by 2.8% YoY and formed the sum of USD 306.28 million. However, according to the announcement, in the reporting period, Ukraine increased import volumes of mineral fertilizers by 2.6 times YoY - to the level of USD 135.52 million.
14.06.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Flower import down
In January-March 2010, total import of fresh cut flowers reduced by 19% against the same period of 2009. Rose import reduced by 26% in the quantity terms and by 18% in the value terms. At the same time, reduction in the flower import volume has an impact on the hryvnia devaluation. According to the import structure in 2009, in the value terms rose made up 36%, carnation (28%), chrysanthemum (5.2%), orchid (3%) and other flowers (15%). According to the State Statistics Committee and the Union of Ukrainian flower growers, flowers are imported primarily from the Netherlands (38%), Ecuador (26%), Turkey (21%), Columbia (11%), Kenya (2%) and other world countries (2%).
10.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Quota for supply of raw sugar used by 93%
The quota for supplies of raw sugar to Ukraine was used by 92.69% as of June 1, 2010, the Ministry of Economy reported. Particularly, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador and Guatemala have exhausted their quotas for the supply of raw sugar to Ukraine by 100%.
07.06.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine forecasts rapeseed production of 1 million tonnes
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine forecasts wheat production in 2010 at the level of 18-18.5 million tonnes, in the terms of the average yield of 30 c/ha, declared Ivan Demchak, the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy. The forecast of rapeseed production forms the volume of nearly 1 million tonnes with the average yield of 16 c/ha, soybean production - 1.5 million tonnes.
04.06.2010 Source: APK-Inform

Agricultural production grows 4.9% in January-April
Agricultural production in Ukraine grew by 4.9% in January-April 2010 YoY. In particular, agricultural enterprises increased production by 12.1%. In view of the seasonal nature of plant production, gross farm output in January-April 2010 was formed mainly at the expense of livestock production. As of May 1, 2010 against April 1, 2010, growth has been seen in the number of pigs (to 15% from 14.1%), poultry (to 5.9% from 5.4%), and sheep and goats (to 5. 5% from 5.3%).
In January-April 2010 against January-April 2009, agricultural enterprises increased meat production (in live weight) by 15.5%, milk production by 1.9%, and egg production by 7.2%.
01.06.2010 Source: press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Avangard to complete construction of two poultry complexes by 2012
Avangard holding, one of the largest vertically integrated companies producing eggs in Ukraine, is planning by late 2011 to complete the construction of two poultry complexes in Khmelnytsky and Kherson regions, Oleh Bakhmatiuk, the Head of the Board of Directors at Avangardco Investments Public Limited, has told. According to Bakhmatiuk, a poultry complex will include a poultry factory with three million birds, a feed mill with a capacity of 40 tonnes per hour, workshops for sorting and slaughtering birds, and a biogas plant. Bakhmatiuk said that the total cost of both projects is USD 450 million. He said that the commissioning of both poultry complexes would raise the holding's egg production capacity by 35%.
The holding's production capacities are located in 13 Ukrainian regions and in Crimea. The company exports its products to 16 world countries, mainly to the Middle East and Asia.
31.05.2010 Interfax

Fish catch increases
In Ukraine, enterprises and natural persons-entrepreneurs, engaged in fishery, caught in total 66,600 tonnes of fish and other aquatic resources in January-April 2010, which is 6.7% less against the same period of 2009. Fish catch increased by 14.0% and amounted to 64,100 tonnes (96.2% of total volume). Catch of other aquatic resources made up 16.4% of an index of the relevant period of 2009 (or 2,500 tonnes).
20.05.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Cattle population down in Ukraine
As of May1, 2010, the population of cattle in Ukraine decreased by 3.3% YoY to 5 million 534.2 thousand heads (including cows by 3.8% to 2 million 767.8 thousand). The number of pigs increased by 15.0% up to 7 million 952.8 thousand; sheep and goats by 5.5% to 2 million 277.1 thousand, and birds of all kinds by 5.9% to 185 million 172 thousand.
18.05.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Experts predict increase in areas sown to sunflower, rape, flax
Given the late spring and replanting of dead winter crops, it is assumed that the sunflower crop area will exceed the Agrarian Policy Ministry's forecast of 3,714,000 hectares and will amount to 4,500,000 hectares (in 2009 - 4,300,000 ha). In 2009 the profitability of the production of sunflower seeds was the highest, reaching 41.7% (grain - 6.7%, rape seed - 22.3%, sugar beets - 36.7%, potatoes - 10.6%, vegetables - 18.8%). Therefore, in the absence of budgetary support, the economy probably will expand the areas of sunflower.
18.05.2010 Source: UkrAgroConsult

Ukraine increased imports of mineral fertilizers by 2.6 times
In the first quarter of 2010, Ukraine increased import volumes of mineral fertilizers by 2.6 times, compared to the same period of 2009 - to the level of USD 90.27 million. According to the announcement, in the reporting period, exports of mineral fertilizers from the country increased by 11.2% - to the level of USD 238.3 million.
17.05.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Ukraine to preserve leadership by supply of sunflower seed oil to world market
The sunflower seed oil processing sector of Ukraine will produce in the current marketing year 3 million tonnes of sunflower seed oil. It is an absolute record by production volumes not only during the time of Ukraine's independence, but it exceeds an index of the USSR times by 300,000 tonnes. According to a forecast made by Association Head Stepan Kapshuk, in the current marketing year (since September 2009) this production index will exceed the previous year index by 20%. "It exceeds domestic needs of Ukraine for consumption of sunflower seed oil sixfold," he noted. According to a balance, export of sunflower seed oil this marketing year will make up 2.5 million tons that preserves the first place for Ukraine by supply of this product to the world market.
In 2008/2009, Ukraine produced record 2.5 million tons of sunflower seed oil and exported almost 2.1 million tons. The country's capacities of oil-bearing cultures as of September 1, 2009, made up 8.25 million tons a year.
14.05.2010 Source: Ukroilprom Association

Ukraine: agro-industrial complex proved own priority for economy of the government
The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine became one of the most successful industries of the economy of the country, declared Nikolay Prysiaghniuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on May 11. According to the Minister, the crisis year provided less negative consequences to the agro industrial complex compared to other industries of the country, which proved the priority of the reporting industry for whole economy of the country.
13.05.2010 Source: APK-Inform

Bioenergie-Partnerschaft zwischen EU und Ukraine
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe spielen in einer langfristig zukunftsfähigen Wirtschaft eine zentrale Rolle. In Europa wurden Versuche und Anwendungen von Biotreibstoffen auf nationaler Ebene initiert. Dies ist aber aufgrund der zu erwartenden massiven Produktionssteigerungen kaum noch zu bewältigen, deshalb wird die Produktion von Biomasse heute mehr und mehr in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer verlagert.
04.2010 Source: Ukraine Aktuell

Agro industrial complex is one of the most competitive sectors of Ukrainian economics on foreign markets
The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is one of the most competitive sectors of Ukrainian economics on foreign markets, declared Vasiliy Tsushko, the Minister of Economics of Ukraine.
According to the Minister of Economics of Ukraine, grain and oilseed industries of Ukraine are the main branches of the agricultural industry of the country, which have high competitive capacity on the world market.
According to data of the Ministry of Economics, in 2008/09 MY, Ukraine took the third place in the world after the USA and the EU in the sphere of grain export volumes. According to the State Statistics Committee, Ukraine exported 24.7 mln tonnes of grains, including 12.7 mln tonnes of wheat (5.8 mln tonnes of milling wheat), 6.4 mln tonnes of barley, 5.5 mln tonnes of maize.
30.04.2010 Source: APK-Inform

Sunflower seed imports 22% up in Q1 of 2010
Imports of sunflower seeds to Ukraine grew by 22% in the first quarter of 2010 YoY to 3,400 tonnes. Exports of sunflower seeds rose by 29% to over 153 tonnes. Imports of maize seeds totalled over 11,500 tonnes in January-March 2010, which was over 15% more than in the same period in 2009. Rapeseed imports grew by more than 3.3 times to around 84 tonnes (about 25 tonnes in Q1 of 2009). The supply of barley seeds to Ukraine fell by 48%.
20.04.2010 Source: UkrAgroConsult

Average selling prices of farm products grow in January-March
The average selling prices of farm products significantly increased in January-March 2010 compared to the same period in 2009. Vegetables, sunflower seeds, milk and dairy products grew in price most of all. The average selling prices (excl. VAT, transport, freight and overhead costs, but including subsidies) of vegetables grew by 143% to UAH 6,018 per ton. Prices for sunflower seeds grew by 62% to UAH 2,605 per ton, milk and dairy products by 59% to UAH 3,044 per ton, and eggs by 48% to UAH 566.1 per 1,000 eggs. Grain and leguminous crops grew in price by almost 41% to UAH 1,004 per ton, and prices for potatoes nearly doubled.
20.04.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Russia ready to buy Ukrainian sugar
Russia is ready to buy Ukrainian sugar produced from sugar beet, Russian Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik has said following negotiations with Agrarian Policy Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk in Moscow. "We are importing sugar, the main thing for us is that sugar imported from the territory of Ukraine was produced of sugar beet, not from raw sugar," she said.
19.04.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Agrarian Confederation: Any state could be potential market for Ukrainian grain
Any state could be a potential market for Ukrainian grain, Director General of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation Serhiy Stoyanov said at a conference. "North Africa is our core market. But there were cases when we also exported grain on non-traditional markets. For example, [we exported grain to] Korea when our feed grain was cheaper and more profitable than American corn," the expert said. He recalled that Ukraine was the world's second-largest exporter of grain crops. "With a harvest of 50 million tonnes, we export the half. Our exports will total at least 20 million tonnes even this year. It's clear that it could be an insignificant figure on a global scale, but in general, we are ranked second in the world in terms of grain exports after the United States that exports 60-70 million tonnes of grain," Stoyanov said.
17.04.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine doubles exports of dairy products in January-February 2010
Exports of dairy products had grown by 50.4% to USD 72.2 million in January-February 2010. Exports have grown due to an increase in cheese exports (23%) and whey exports (2.9 times), and also due to a rise in export prices. Imports of dairy products plummeted by 2.3 times to USD 10 million due to a significant reduction in imports of condensed milk (44%) and animal oil (67%).
16.04.2010 Source: Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation

Meat production grows by 8% in Q1 of 2010
Meat production in Ukraine in the first quarter of 2010 totalled 710,400 tonnes in live weight, which was 8% more than in the same period of 2009. Milk production declined by 2.7% in January-March 2010 YoY to 2.011 million tonnes, whereas egg production fell by 4.2% to 3.661 billion eggs.
16.04.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Agricultural production of Ukraine 5.3% up in Q1 of 2010
The total agricultural production in Ukraine in January-March 2010 compared with the same period in 2009 increased by 5.3%. In agricultural enterprises the total amount of cattle and poultry breeding exceeded the level of January-March 2009 by 15.9%, including pigs - by 22.5%, poultry - by 19.5%, while cattle breeding reduced by 9.6%. At the beginning of April 2010 households possessed 68.6% of the total number of cattle (after 68.1% in 2009), including cows - 78.0% (78.3%), pigs - 56.1% (58.1%), sheep and goats - 82.6% (81.8%), poultry of all kinds - 45.3% ( 47.0%).
16.04.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

BRD planning to provide USD 50 million loan to Nibulon
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering providing a loan of up to USD 50 million to Mykolaiv-based Nibulon Ltd, a leading Ukrainian agricultural producer and grain trader, to finance its investments in grain infrastructure in Ukraine. The bank said in a statement that the total project cost was approximately USD 223.8 million. Nibulon Ltd is the largest local grain exporter and one of the largest vertically integrated agricultural companies in Ukraine.
15.04.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine increased imports of mineral fertilizers by 3.2 times
During January-February of 2010, Ukraine increased imports of mineral fertilizers by 3.2 times compared to the same period of 2009 to the level of USD 52.5 million. In the reporting period, export volumes of mineral fertilizers grew by 29.8% to the level of USD 167.73 million. In 2009, Ukraine reduced exports of mineral fertilizers by 57% compared to 2008 - to USD 857.85 million, imports - by 57.4% to USD 257.35 million.
15.04.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Sugar importers exhaust quota for raw sugar import by 96%
Sugar importers have exhausted an annual quota for supply of cane sugar as of April 1 by 96.05% (supplied 257,232 tonnes). According to the statement, importers fully used quotas for raw sugar import from Brazil (157,487 tonnes), Cuba (16,679 tonnes), Columbia (6,434 tonnes), Salvador (5,826 tonnes), Guatemala (8,299 tonnes) and other countries (53,508 tonnes). A quota for supply of raw sugar from Thailand (9,000 tonnes out of 9,057 tonnes) was almost fully used. A quota for privileged import of cane sugar within the frames of the WTO agreements for 2010 makes up 267,800 tonnes.
08.04.2010 Source: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Ukraine to up maize, soy, beet acreages, down sunflower, barley areas
Sown areas under maize, soy and sugar beet in 2010 will be increased in Ukraine, whereas crop areas under sunflower and barley will be reduced, according to Agriculture Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk. "It is expected that the structure of sown areas (this year) will not be significantly changed, but the market will make some adjustments," he said. Prysiazhniuk believes that maize crops will be increased by 350 ha, soy - 150,000 -160,000 ha, sugar beet - 100,000 ha. The area under barley will cut by 500,000 ha, sunflower - 500,000 ha. According to tentative data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, 26.9 million hectares will be sown under the 2010 harvest, incl. 15.6 million ha of spring crops, of which 7.3 million ha of cereals and leguminous crops, 6.3 million ha - technical crops, 2.8 million ha - forage crops.
06.04.2010 Source: Ukrinform

In 2009, profitability of agriculture in Ukraine totalled 12.9%
Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation with reference to data of the State Statistics Committee declared that profitability of agriculture in 2009 totalled 12.9%, which corresponds to the level of 2008. The profitability of crop production dropped from 19.6% to 16.4% because of the lower effectiveness of the production of grain crops and rape. At the same time, the profitability of stock-farming rose from 0.1% to 5.4% at the cost of the pork productive efficiency rise. The productive efficiency of sugar beet and sunflower grew to 36.7% and 41.7%, respectively, in 2009 thanks to price rises.
05.04.2010 Source: APK-Inform

Less mineral fertilizers used
In 2009, Ukraine reduced the use of mineral fertilizers compared to 2008, thus having destroyed the positive tendency towards the increase, which was observed from 2000. Thus, in 2008 a total of 1.06 million tons of mineral fertilizers were used per reactant count, and in 2009 only 0.89 million tons. If in 2000-2001 mineral fertilizers were introduced on 25-30% of the acreage, in 2008 fertilized areas rose to 69%. Because of farmers' financial difficulties in 2009, the share of fertilized acreage made 63%. Restoration of positive dynamics of the gross harvest is impossible without progress in observance of agricultural technologies.
01.04.2010 Source: Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business

Agrarian minister: Ukraine needs profound reforms in agrarian sector
The state should create a system of incentives for the development of agrarian business, using the tools of state regulation, Ukraine's Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Prysiazhniuk has told the press Tuesday. According to him, the Ukrainian agriculture needs systemic reforms, which would focus on a qualitative transformation of key backbone sectors of agriculture, gradual technological and technical reequipment, and eventually - achieving economic independence from government grants and subsidies by agricultural business. The minister called crop production, pig-breeding and dairy cattle-breeding as the key agricultural sectors. "Just these industries, in his opinion, have the greatest impact on food security of Ukraine, its export potential, ecological condition and the development of other sectors of agricultural production," Prysiazhniuk believes. The main direction of reforms should be the governance of agriculture, because it is time to create a system of partnership and mutually beneficial relations between the state and agrarian business, the agrarian minister underscored.
30.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine seeks investments in agricultural machine-building
Ukraine is interested in investing into agricultural engineering, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said at a meeting with the Chairman of Germany's Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, Klaus Mangold. "Modernization of this sector is very interesting for us. All your practical suggestions will be carefully considered," Azarov said in response to the readiness expressed by the German delegation to outline effective ways of cooperation. According to Premier Azarov, there are four major plants on construction of agricultural machinery, which have actually stopped after the privatization. "We can not allow these plants be idle. This area is a cause for particular concern," Azarov emphasized. In turn, Mangold noted that for German investors this sector is one of the most interesting places to invest in. Germany is one of the largest investors in the Ukrainian economy and is interested to further strengthen its position in Ukraine.
29.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

In five years, Ukraine to reach the production level of 80 million tonnes of grains
In five years, Ukraine to reach the production level of 80 million tonnes of grains, in terms of providing the European yield indices, declared Vladimir Klimenko, the President of Ukrainian Grain Association. As a reminder, in 2008, grain harvest in Ukraine totaled 53 million tonnes, in 2009 - 48 million tonnes. The domestic consumption of Ukraine totals 26-27 million tonnes, which leads to the growth of grain export volumes from Ukraine in the following years in the terms of increasing of grain yield. According to V.Klimenko, Ukraine reached the European level of yield in maize production only.
23.03.2020 Source: Ukrainian Grain Association

Chicken meat production growing
The period of the active phase of the financial and economic crisis has become a good chance for Ukrainian poultry farmers to boost the production of poultry meat and increase its exports. In 2009, the industrial production of chicken meat grew by 13%, while exports expanded by 2.3 times. As of 1 March, 2010 the agricultural enterprises had 97 million heads of poultry, which is 12.7% more than last year's figure. The total number in all categories of farms was 177.4 million heads, or 145% of heads in 2000, when chicken meat was the most expensive meat in Ukraine.
In January-February 2010, chicken meat production totaled 113% against the corresponding level in 2009 and 123% - to the level of 2008, reaching 121,300 tonnes. Compared with other countries (China - 3.3%, EU-27 - 0.3%, Brazil - 4%), despite the lack of government support, Ukraine demonstrates the most rapid development of poultry industry, while experts say that Ukraine has not yet exhausted the reserve for further development.
23.03.2010 Source: Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation

Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine forecasts producing 16-17million tonnes of sugar beet
Ministry of Agrarian Policy forecasts production of 16-17 million tonnes of sugar beet in 2010/2011 marketing year, Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Ivan Demchak told. According to him, the Agrarian Policy Ministry stands for state subsidies to farmers for sowing sugar beet to the amount of UAH 1,000/ha. According to the Deputy Minister, this year 450,000 ha will be sown under sugar beet.
23.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Agricultural production up in Ukraine
The growth of agricultural production in January-February 2010, which amounted to 5.2% compared with the like period in 2009, is one of the highest rates for 2001-2010, said former Minister of Economy Bohdan Danylyshyn. Average production growth in the agro-industrial sector was at 2.7% since 2001.
20.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Sunflower oil production forecast at 3 million tonnes in 2009/2010 MY
The Ukroliyaprom Association, uniting main processors of oil-bearing cultures, forecasts sunflower oil production in 2009/2010 marketing year at 3 million tonnes. According to the Association Director General Stepan Kapshuk, this MY sunflower oil production increased by 48%, export - by 77%. Export of sunflower seeds has considerably decreased: over last MY 767,000 tonnes were exported, while this year - 76,000 tonnes. "In the current MY the sector will show good production results on condition that prices on the domestic market will be stable. The domestic market consumes 500,000 tonnes a year, while production is fivefold up," Kapshuk has said.
19.03.2010 Source: UkrOliyaProm Association

Agrarian products get up by 31%
In January-February 2010, the average selling price of agricultural products by agricultural enterprises were 31% higher compared with the prices for the same period in 2009. In particular, crop production went up by 57%, livestock - 17%.
19.03.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Share of grain crops in total goods export up
In January 2010, the share of grain crops increased in total goods export from Ukraine against January 2009 from 7.8% to 8.5%. At the same time, the share of oil and butter (vegetable or animal) dropped from 5.8 to 4.6%, fertilizers - from 3.1 to 2.9%, seeds and fruits of oil-bearing cultures - from 3% to 0.9%. In January, export of goods made up USD 3.01 billion, import - USD 3.32 billion. Foreign trade transactions were carried out with partners from 169 world countries. In 2009, Ukraine first ever became the world's third grain exporter after the United States and the European Union, outstripping Russia and Canada.
18.03.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine expects grain production at the level of 48 million tonnes in 2010
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine expects that in 2010 Ukraine will produce 48 million tonnes of grains as opposed to 46 million tonnes last year, declared Sergey Melnik, the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy. According to him, the general grain production volumes will depend on natural and technological factors, especially the difficult weather conditions, which also affected formation of the future harvest in the current year.
17.03.2010 Source: APK-Inform

EBRD invests EUR 200 million in Ukraine's farm sector
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has invested EUR 200 million in the development of Ukraine's farm sector, Director of the EBRD Agribusiness Team Gilles Mettetal has said. The bank had increased the amount of investment in the country's farm sector by 30% last year.
17.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Agricultural production up in Ukraine
In January-February 2010, the total production of agricultural products in Ukraine increased by 5.2% compared with the same period in 2009. Meat production increased by 3.4% - to 474,800 tons, milk production decreased by 2.5% to 1, 166.2 million tons, egg production went up by 3.7 % up to 2,235.7 billion eggs. The total amount of cattle and poultry bred by agrarian enterprises in January-February 2010 grew by 15.9% compared to the same period last year.
17.03.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Ukraine increased production of nitrogenous fertilizers by 20%
In January-February 2010, enterprises of the chemical industry of Ukraine increased production of mineral and chemical nitrogenous fertilizers by 20% to 401,000 tonnes compared to the same period of 2009. In February production of nitrogenous fertilizers in Ukraine grew by 0.7% YoY, and down 9.2% compared to January 2010, and totalled 191,000 tonnes.
17.03.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Cattle stock down, pig stock and poultry up
As of March 1, in Ukraine, livestock reduced against its number for the same period of the previous year by 227,600 heads, including cows - by 117,400 heads. The pig stock grew by 1.115 million heads, poultry - by 12.067 million heads.
17.03.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Ukraine exports over 16 million tonnes of grain
Ukraine has exported nearly 16.6 million tonnes of grain since the beginning of the current marketing year (MY: July 2009 - June 2010) by March 2, 2010. This is 1.5% more than in the same period of the 2008/2009 MY. Ukraine exported 7.67 million tonnes of wheat in the current MY, compared to 8.42 million tonnes exported in the same period of the 2008/2009 MY, 4.53 million tonnes of barley (5.25 million tons), and 4.16 million tonnes of corn (2.56 million tons). Early in February 2010, the Agriculture Ministry raised its grain export forecast from 20 to 22 million tonnes. In 2009, Ukraine harvested 46 million tonnes of grain and leguminous crops (in weight after threshing), which was 13.7% less than in 2008.
15.03.2010 Source: Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine

Ukrros to boost sugar output
Agricultural holding Sugar Union Ukrros is planning to increase the production of beet sugar in the 2010/2011 season by 31.5% to 171,000 tons from 130,000 tons in this season. In the 2008/2009 season, Ukrros produced 199,000 tons of sugar.
10.03.2010 Source: Sugar Union Ukrros

Ukraine: market volume of plant protectors reached the level of nearly USD 300 million
The market volumes of the sector of plant protectors in Ukraine reached the level of nearly USD 300 million, declared Andrew Shevchuk, the business development manager of Arysta Lifescience. According to him, during recent years, the market of plant protectors continued growing, and last MY, the market reached the level of nearly USD 320 million. According to the expert, the market volume forms over the half of the Soviet period market volume of the sector, which totalled USD 550-570 million in the current prices. According to Svetlana Slatina, the head of the supply department of Bayer CropScience, in 2007, agrarians in Ukraine spent 4 USD/ha of agricultural lands as opposed to 20 USD/ha in Poland and 110 EUR/ha in France and Germany.
10.03.2010 Source: Agrimarket

Crimea about to boost farm goods production by 10%
In 2010, Crimea's agro-industrial sector (southern Ukraine) intends to increase the growth of gross agricultural products by 10%, Mykola Kolisnichenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, told. In particular, this year the annual production of grain is expected to reach 2 million tonnes in Crimea.
06.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine: grain harvest in 2010 to increase by 7-8%
In 2010, grain harvest in Ukraine will increase by 7-8% compared to 2009, declared Eugene Leng, Director General of Ukrzernoprom Agro Ltd. His forecast was supported by President of the CJSC Rise Company Vitaliy Tsekhmistrenko. According to him, agricultural land areas have good moisture potential. According to the last data of Rise, the level of moisture in one-meter layer of soil reached the level of nearly 200 mm. Thus, late crops, like sugar-beet, maize, sunflower, have good prospects to pass through drought periods.
05.03.2010 Source: Agroperspectiva

Rice share in grain imports make 90% in January
In January 2010, grain imports increased by 29.5% against January 2009 to 6,370 tonnes (USD 4.65 million). In January, companies were importing mainly rice (5,820 tonnes or 91.4% of total import grain). In 2009, grain imports dropped by 16.6% making 96,000 tonnes (USD 98.5 million) year-over-year.
03.03.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Agriculture Ministry hopes to retain spring fields in 2010 at 2009 level
According to the calculations of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy, Ukraine will sow spring crops on some 15.6 million hectares in 2010, which is the same as in 2009. The sowing campaign 2010 started two weeks later than traditionally due to bad weather. In 2009, Ukraine gathered 46 million tonnes of grain, 13.7% less against 2008.
01.03.2010 Source: Interfax

Potatoes from Egypt, Saudi Arabia imported to Ukraine
Potatoes from Africa, the yield of 2010 from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, were brought to Ukraine. Such a necessity was caused by a deficit and a bad quality of the national product. According to forecasts of importers, a price for imported potatoes will be 20-30% up against the national product. Appearance of imported potatoes will slow down a price growth. Experts are convinced that now we have all prerequisites for development of the vegetable sector. Numerous Ukrainian agricultural enterprises start to use the new technologies to boost production. "Now, they start to invest more funds into production of vegetables, potatoes including. I believe that in a year or two we will remove this problem." UAC Head Leonid Kozachenko comments.
25.02.2010 Source: Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC)

Ukrainian farmers ready to invest in own agricultural production
According to a poll carried out among agricultural producers by the APK-Inform twice a year, the number of Ukrainian farmers planning investments for 2010 increased almost doubled over the recent half a year. Thus, according to data for July 2009, the share of agrarians planning investments into the agricultural machinery, increase of land banks and construction of storage facilities made up 15%, while in December 2009, the number of farmers planning investments grew to 27%.
23.02.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine earns USD 336 million from vegetables, fruits exports
Exports of vegetables, fruits and nuts secured sale proceeds for Ukrainian companies at USD 336 million in 2009, says the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club. Experts say the share of these products in total imports made 3.5% that does not meet the sector's potential.
22.02.2010 Source: Ukrainian Agribusiness Club

Agrarian companies have favourable conditions for development
Ukrainian agrarian companies have favourable conditions for development thanks to low expenditures for expansion of the land bank and a special taxation mode, analytical report by the BG Capital investment company reads. The report says that a ban for selling agricultural lands in Ukraine ensures competitive advantages to Ukrainian agricultural companies. A moratorium for purchase-sale of agricultural lands, being a deterrent for new companies to enter the sector, postpones demand for land in time and cost escalation for expansion. The BG Capital analysts also note that profitable agrarian companies in Ukraine are able to substantially economize on taxes due to a special taxation mode. In compliance with the Ukrainian legislation, there exists a zero VAT rate for agricultural producers and they have a right to pay a fixed agricultural tax instead of a profit tax that also allows abating a tax load. Both mechanisms of indirect funding depend on profitability, the more the company earns from one ha of land the more it economizes. According to the report, such support can reach 30% of agrarian companies' net profit.
18.02.2010 Source: Report of the BG Capital investment company

Ukrainian agrarians have 50% of funds needed for carrying out sowing campaign
The Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry has said that the country's farmers have only UAH 12 billion for conducting the spring sowing campaign this year, which is 50% of the required amount. The total need in funds for the spring sowing campaign is over UAH 24 billion. The Ministry now takes urgent measures to provide the country's agrarians with fuel and fertilizers. Spring field works in Ukraine will start three weeks later as usual due to long winter.
15.02.2010 Source: Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine

Ukraine to increase rye production
Rye in Ukraine has chances to return some lost positions and become attractive for agricultural producers in the terms of improving of cultivating technologies. From the middle of 1990th, rye sowings in Ukraine ceded own positions to more profitable and high-yield crops, like maize, wheat, rapeseed. At he same time, rye harvesting areas lowered to the level of 0.4-0.45 million ha. But according to the analysis of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, beginning from 2008, rye growing started showing rather good economic results. During 2008, agricultural economies of all varieties produced nearly 1.1 million tonnes of rye with the average profitability of 13-15%, due to rather high selling prices at the level of 970 UAH/t, informed Andrew Tovstopyat, the analyst of plant growing markets of the organization.
05.02.2010 Source: Ukrainian Agribusiness Club

More pigs raised in Ukraine
The level of prices preserving in Ukraine during the past two years has encouraged increase in the population of pigs in 2009. As of January 1, 2010, all categories of farms had 7.135 million pigs. The rise in the number of pigs, compared to the past year, was registered in the majority of Ukrainian regions, especially in Mykolaiv (+23%), Ivano-Frankivsk (+29.1%) and Donetsk (+21.8%) regions. Compared to December 2008, the number of pigs at all farms rose by 9.3%.
03.02.2010 Source: UkrAgroConsult

43,000 farms in Ukraine
The number of farms in Ukraine totals 43,000 and did not change compared to the previous year, declared Ivan Tomich, the President of the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners. According to I.Tomich, Ukrainian farmers cultivate 4.2 million ha of agricultural land. In 1999 farmers cultivated 1 million ha of land only. The average area of farmer properties continues growing. In 1999, the index totalled 28 ha, and in 2009 - 101 ha.
03.02.2010 Source: APK-Inform

Ukraine's law extending farmland sale moratorium enters into force
A law that extends the moratorium on the sale of the farmland until 2012 has entered into force in Ukraine. The law was published in the official newspaper of the parliament The Voice of Ukraine on Tuesday, thus becoming effective. The law was signed by parliamentary speaker Vladimir Litvin soon after President Viktor Yushchenko returned this law to the parliament without his signature. On January 19, the parliament overrode the president's veto on extension of the moratorium on the sale of the farmland.
03.02.2010 Source: Itar-Tass

UkrSugar predicts sugar beet sowing on 450,000 hectares in 2010
The UkrSugar National Association of Ukrainian Sugar Producers predicts that sugar beet will be sown on 450,000 ha in 2010. The regions posted sowing 380,000 ha, but "we believe the acreage will increase to 450,000 ha," the Association reported. In the opinion of experts of the Association, the acreage will expand due to the sharp rise in the prices of sugar on Ukraine's home market. In 2009 sugar beet was sown on 330,000 ha. The beet harvest was 10 million tons, and the production of sugar made 1.267 million tons. The domestic consumption of sugar in Ukraine is estimated at 2 million tons.
02.02.2010 Source: Ukrinform

Ukraine rice production up 55.1% in 2009
According to a report released by the Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA), the country has managed to produce 94,900 tons of rice in 2009, an increase of 55.1% compared to 2008. The Association attributed the increase to expanded harvesting areas by 27% to 15,500 hectares, and increased yields of 10.9 bushels/ha. Also in 2009, the general production volumes of buckwheat in Ukraine decreased by 25% 27,000 tons, the UGA said. Harvesting areas grew by 33.3% 4,000 hectares, but yields declined by 3.9 bushels/ha to 7 bushels/ha.
28.01.2010 Source: Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA)

Vegetables crop rose by 4.2%, up to 8.302 million tonnes in 2009
In 2009 agrarians harvested 8.302 million tonnes vegetables, up 337,000 tonnes (+ 4.2%) against 2008. Vegetables average yield was 182 metric centners per ha (up against 173,9 metric centners per ha in 2008). Vegetables were harvested at 456 ha (down as of 457,9 ha in 2008). In 2008 agrarians harvested 7.965 million tonnes vegetables, up 1.13 million tonnes (+ 16.5%) as of 2007.
20.01.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Sunflower seed production down 2.5% in 2009
Sunflower seed production fell by 2.5% in 2009 year-over-year, to 6.4 million tonnes, due to a reduction in the sowing area by 86,700 hectares or 2%. Rapeseed production fell by 34.8% to 1.9 million tonnes, which was caused by a reduction in the sowing area by 366,000 hectares or 26.5% and a fall in the rapeseed yield by 2.3 centners per hectare.
19.01.2010 Source: State Statistics Committee of Ukraine


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